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The parts of the human brain responsible for sleep were determined / Geektimes

Brain A joint team of scientists from the United States, Italy and Switzerland recently published the results of a study

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Wednesday: Omega Day | Chapter 1 / Geektimes

Omega I bring to the readers of GT the first chapter of the fantastic novel "Wednesday: Omega Day". This story

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Review of the online course on Arduino / robotics from MIPT (second week)

Arduino We continue publishing the online course "Building robots and other devices on Arduino", starting here. So, for a long

MyViralBox Staff MyViralBox Staff

And if there was no space flight? / Geektimes

space A year ago on the Day of Cosmonautics, I tried to tell you about what the cosmos and cosmonautics

MyViralBox Staff MyViralBox Staff

собственные моды оптоволокна (любителям «матана») / Geektimes

Как-то мне понадобилась "собственная мода оптоволокна". Но я нигде не нашел аналитического выражения электромагнитного поля. Ну и «сделал сам», раз

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Secure headphones and head sets for bicyclists / Medgadgets / Geektimes blog

Headphones This sad story will begin with sad statistics of road accidents involving cyclists. According to the statistics of the

MyViralBox Staff MyViralBox Staff

How banks will develop block-based solutions in 2017 / Wirex / Geektimes Blog

Banks In a recently published report, the Indian software company Infosys formulated the main theses on the prospects for the

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